Notice of Planned Artificial Breach of the Klein River Estuary
in Terms of the
Maintenance Management Plan: Artificial Breaching of the Klein River Estuary
(DEA & DP Ref No. E12/2/4/7-E2/14-CJ2014/11 dated 2011-03-25)
The breaching subcommittee of the Klein River Estuary Forum, comprising of representatives of
the Overstrand Conservation Foundation, Cape Nature and the Overstrand municipality’s
Environmental Management section, met on 2011-09-07 under the chairmanship of Rob Fryer.
The purpose of the meeting was to review the status of the Klein River Estuary relative to the
criteria and guidelines for artificial breaching set out in the Klein River Estuary Mouth Management
The outcome of the meeting was the decision to plan the artificial breaching of the Estuary mouth
at an appropriate time between the 9th and 12th of September 2011.
The time of the breaching will depend upon weather and sea conditions. The earliest the breach
may occur is at high tide at 14:00 on Friday 9th September.
Property owners with Estuary water frontage are advised to take any necessary precautions in
anticipation of the breach. The public is warned that the breaching activities involve earthmoving
activities on Grotto Beach and that the site of the breach is dangerous due to unstable sand banks
and strong currents. People are advised to observe from a distance and not to approach the area
in which the breach is made.
The breaching subcommittee satisfied itself that the prevailing circumstances warrant performing
an artificial breach and that the decision is fully consistent with the Mouth Management Plan, for
which the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEA & DP) issued
environmental authorisation. Advice was obtained from reference specialists. The decision was
Amongst the many factors considered prior to making the decision, the following are considered to
be the most important:
1 The water level in the estuary has been steadily rising with the winter rainfall and has reached
2.77 m above mean sea level (amsl). It is evident from the only very slight increase in level
following the most recent rain storm that the level has plateaued.
2 The minimum berm height at the estuary’s mouth is 3 m amsl. This occurs at 3 positions
along the berm. Only one of these low points occurs at the preferred breaching point.
3 The weather forecast for the next week, with minimal rainfall anticipated, indicates that it is
unlikely there will be any further rise in water level, which may even drop due to evaporation
and seepage through the berm. The rainfall required in the Klein River Catchment to raise the
estuary’s water level to the 3 m amsl berm low points is estimated to be in the region of 100
mm. It is therefore unlikely that a natural breach will occur within the August to October
window within which we are authorised to effect an artificial breach.
4 While salinity levels are not deciding criteria within the Mouth Management Plan, the salinity
has reached unprecedented low levels (10 ppt). Recent observations of sand snake eels
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Klein River
(Ophisurus serpens) in shallow water along the berm have provided early indications that this
may be causing stress to some species in the estuary.
5 Several illegal attempts have been made to artificially breach the estuary at positions that are
not preferred for optimal scouring of silt from the estuary and which may lead to erosion of the
Grotto Beach and its car park. The danger exists that further illegal attempts at inappropriate
positions or unfavourable sea conditions might succeed to the detriment of the estuary.
The breaching subcommittee concluded that the preferred natural breach is unlikely to occur, and
that the circumstances are such that an artificial breach should be performed to promote
ecosystem health of the Klein River Estuary and preserve its value as a nursery area for fish.
DEA & DP have been notified in accordance with the conditions contained within the environmental
Yours faithfully
Rob Fryer