We need to start experiencing the joy of being both embedded in community and connected to the natural world.

Helena Norberg-Hodge

Economic prosperity must go hand in hand with social cohesion and ecological sustainability

Mikhail Gorbachev

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Shocking statistics tell a frightening story of endemic e coli pollution in the Hermanus Lagoon (February 2014)

During December 2013 the Overstrand Municipality sampled the Klein River Estuary (as is customary in its bi-monthly water sampling program) in order to determine the level of faecal pollution. Intestinal enterococci (bacteria) is one of the bacterial indicator organisms used to determine faecal pollution. 
The following numbers are the results of the water samples collected for Intestinal Enteroccocci at the following sample points in the Klein River Estuary in December 2013;

Hermanus Yacht Club:     5200 cfu/per 100ml
Scout Camp:                   1940 cfu/per 100ml
Prawn Flats:                     3100 cfu/per 100ml

The SA Water Guideline for Recreational water (2009) states a level in excess of 185 cfu/per 100ml as poor (unacceptable) with a gastro-intestinal (GI) health risk index of 8.5% 
Some of the highest readings from the Hermanus Estuary (during this specific period of the year at these sites) represent over 1000 times higher risk factors compared to the official health hazard levels. 
 So why have none of these recordings been published and that a concerted NO SWIMMING program been put in place with signs and information, warning the public of the high health risks at these major tourist venues  (Stanford's Kings Street Jetty recorded 1100 cfu/per 100ml over same period)
The deathly silence and inactivity from the Counsel is nothing short of gross irresponsibility and shows a cynical disregard for the environment let alone the public at large.

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