On the 23rd November 2007 a report was published by Dr V.L. Hamilton-Attwell

Where to look for the culprits - highest e coli counts found on the Klein River Estuary were at Camp Site (Scout Camp) Lagoon Farm, Maanskyn Kop, Yatch Club, Wortelgat, Mosaic Farm
Summary of report and comments
Extract: The most important, source or sources of pollution along the estuary are the septic systems along the shore. All indications are that human impact and especially sewage management, must be targeted as the biggest pollution source. Along the estuary it has been ascertained that conservancy tanks are seldom pumped and rumour has it (this could not be confirmed as estate workers and managers would not discuss it) that greywater is dumped in soak-away's and at some stands, all sewage is dumped directly into soakaways. In order to check how the tanks are managed along the estuary the records on pumping frequency were checked at the Overstrand Municipality. Of the 15 estates where tanks are in place only three had them pumped this year. The only reasonable answer to this is that (a) the tanks are leaking very fast, and do not need pumping as they never fill up; or (b) all tanks are linked to soak-aways. With the number of residences in some areas, drain-fields must have developed over the years.
Considering the history of septic systems and the control over these systems, it has to be the debarkation point in finding the pollution sources. For this, a complete management and implementation process has to be developed.
There is a significantly high likelihood that the pollution in the stream in Stanford and in the Kleinrivier estuary originates from badly managed subterranean septic tank systems
All indications are that the pollution identified is linked to sewerage systems. It originates
from old and leaking and/or badly managed and constructed subterranean tanks.
The increase in construction along the stream, river and estuary calls for drastic re-thinking of the way sewage is managed in areas not linked to water-borne reticulation systems. It will be prudent to put a system in place to have all subterranean tanks of a certain age replaced with pre-fabricated SABS/CSIR approved concrete tanks and to implement stricter inspection regimes. It will also be necessary that DWAF reconsider the requirements for the placing of subterranean septic tanks along natural water bodies.
Extended Polluter Responsibility (EPR)
Those responsible for environmental damage must pay the repair costs both to the environment and human health, and the costs of preventative measures to reduce or prevent further pollution or degradation. Polluter pays is also known as extended polluter responsibility (EPR).
The polluter pays principle is the principle that the party responsible for producing pollution should also be responsible for paying for the damage done to the natural environment.
Polluter pays is also known as extended polluter responsibility (EPR). EPR seeks to shift the responsibility dealing with waste from governments (and thus, taxpayers and society at large) to the entities producing it.
A letter from DWAF (2002) to the Overstand Municipality regarding regulations on the use of septic tanks refers to Government Notice 1191 of Oct 8, 1999 and states that septic tanks shall be (a) outside a watercourse; (b) above the 100 year flood-line or alternatively more than 100m from the edge of the water resource/borehole, and (c) on land that is not, or does not overlie a major aquifer. The first problem identified after reading this Notice, is when or how is the 100m determined – in summer or winter? When some of the residences along the river and estuary were visited it was obvious that the position of the tanks do not conform to this Notice. Owners state that they have approved building plans for the positioning of the tanks and buildings.
This Notice further states that the use of septic tanks and French drains are discouraged. The question is then how is it possible that owners and workers indicated that septic tanks and soak-aways are still used? Some of these are obviously below the high-water mark. A map with high-water marks could nevertheless not be obtained.
This report was published and distributed on the 23rd November 2007 by Dr V.L. Hamilton-Attwel
Problem in a nutshell
The Municipality needs to confirm the 5m above msl contour setback line and enforce compliance
I heard that Deon van Vuuren, the Municipal Manager has been suspended and the door to his office is taped off...
ReplyDeleteWonder what happened - perhaps you could shed some light.